
Abel Méthode Cider is made each vintage in small quantities from freshly harvested apples and pears.  We hand-pick tree ripened fruit, crush it, then ferment until dry.

Our cider is unfined and unfiltered. This basically means we allow our cider to naturally clarify via gravity, this gentle process helps preserve the natural fruit characteristics.

Our cider is fermented in bottle, like champagne.  This natural carbonation gives a finer bubble which retains the aromas and flavours.  Bottle fermentation adds complexity and texture, as well as giving cloudiness from the yeast sediment that remains.  

Our cider is bone dry (<1g/L glucose/fructose) as this is the way we like to drink it - refreshing and full of natural fruit sweetness from using delicious hand-picked, tree ripened apples and pears from the Nelson/Tasman region.


You have a couple of options when it comes to enjoying a bottle of Abel Méthode Cider:

Place bottle upright in fridge overnight, the colder the better.  This will allow the natural yeast sediment to settle to the bottom of the bottle.  When you’re ready to drink it, pour the clear cider (everything but the settled sediment) into a champagne flute or wine glass of your choice. 

If you like cloudy cider, invert the bottle a couple of times then pour away!

"If there's one fruit that approaches the grape's ability to yield a fermented product worthy of connoisseurship it's the apple (and its close relative, the pear) - in its fermented form, cider". Jim Clarke, Journal of Fine Wine